Friday, January 4, 2013

Should You be Forced to Take A Vaccination?

Everyone has a different opinion on this one. Some don't mind vaccinations at all. Others do. My Doctor says every year the flu vaccination changes slightly to protect against what experts think the flu will mutate too. The flu shot usually protects against three strains of flu. The three strains that experts hypothesize will be "the most devastating in any given season. No one seems to know how many strains of the flu there really are because the flu is constantly mutating.

I saw this article this morning about a nurse that was fire after 21 plus years of service, because she wouldn't be vaccinated by the flu. She claimed "it is my body, I decide what to do with it." The hospital she worked for didn't agree. 1,300 employees refused the shot, but only 8 were fired. So who is right? Or should I say, Who has the right? The hospital to insist or the employee to refuse?

Find the source of the article here.
Nurses Fired for Refusing Flu Shot
Here is a small excerpt from the article: (bold emphasis added)
"The hospital said in a statement that it implemented the mandate to promote patient safety based on recommendations from the American Medical Association, the American Nurses Association, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It announced the mandate in September. Of the hospital's 26,000 employees statewide, 95 percent complied. That means 1,300 employees did not comply, but only eight were fired."

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