Saturday, August 11, 2012

Obama involved in Columbia Scandal????

 Could it be true? that is something even the staunch supporters of Obama need to ask themself, if indeed they truly do pledege alliegence to the flag and not a man. Otherwise, they can carry on about their daily business.
But YOU should be different.

At any rate, I was amazed by the claims made by Wayne Allyn Root, a fellow Southern Nevadan who happens to be an oddsmakers and prognosticators who was awarded a star on the Las Vegas Walk of Stars "– one of 60 legends in the history of Vegas to be honored with a 180 pound granite star in the sidewalk on Las Vegas Blvd."

He went to Columbia the same time as Barrack Obama, in the same class in the same major. You need to see what he remembers about good old Obama. It would make a great movie.

This article/video is fascinating and truly a mystery that I would love to hear the answer too. Even if it is a boring answer. It is an "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" challenge. Do most Presidents seal their college records? i really would like to know.
If Obama got bad grades, who cares right? It was some 30 years ago. Bush was accused of being unintelligent all the time and he served two terms. Among other things, I find it interesting that Obama's name used to be Barry Soetoro. 

What I wonder is this: are their any Obama supporters who would care if he was a "foreign student" meaning not an American citizen, or does that even matter to them? 
Would he lose votes? I am not trying to be argumentative, just truly curious.
 Would they think who cares if he went through college that way, we like what he has done with our country? Should we let foreigners run for the presidential office if they have been in America for "long enough?" so curious to understand the minds of people.

So while Obama and Reid exhort Romney to reveal his tax records, Obama keeps his college record sealed. Oh, so curious! 

Click the link: to watch the video. I think it is better than reading the transcript.

Here is the transcript:
"Hello, I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. And have I got a story for you. I am President Obama’s college classmate from Columbia University, Class of ’83. And I’ve got a hunch on the scandal that ends Obama’s hopes for a second term. No, it’s not his birth certificate. The scandal that takes down Obama’s Presidency happened 30 years ago at Columbia University. This is the smoking gun.

This also ties into Harry Reid’s hunch about Mitt Romney’s tax records. You see Senator Reid opened up Pandora’s box. He made it OK for any of us to play a guessing game. If Harry can guess about Romney’s taxes, without a shred of evidence… then a citizen and taxpayer and former college classmate of Obama has the standing to do a little educated guessing of my own.
You see my background is one of a kind. I’m one of the most accurate Las Vegas oddsmakers and prognosticators ever. Accurate enough that I was awarded my own star on the Las Vegas Walk of Stars – one of 60 legends in the history of Vegas to be honored with a 180 pound granite star in the sidewalk on Las Vegas Blvd. Gut instinct is how I’ve made my living for 29 years since graduating Columbia. My gut is almost always right. I became a self-made millionaire based on my gut instincts. And I smell something rotten in Denmark. Obama has a big skeleton in his closet. And it’s hidden in his college records at Columbia.

But first let’s examine the game being played to distract us from the real scandal. It’s a diversion… subterfuge. I call Obama’s scheme “Weapons of mass distraction.” Obama and his infamous strategist David Axelrod understand how to play dirty political hardball, the best its ever been played. They learned on the vicious, dirty streets of Chicago, where the mob appears downright nice compared to the politicians. Team Obama has decided to distract America’s voters by condemning Mitt Romney for not releasing enough years of his tax returns. It’s the perfect cover. Obama knows the best defense is a bold offense. Just keep attacking Mitt and blaming him for secrecy and evasion, while accusing him of having a scandal that doesn’t exist. Then ask your lapdog Senator Harry Reid to chase the Frisbee. The U.S. Senate Majority Leader is now making up stories out of thin air, about tax returns he knows absolutely nothing about. It’s a cynical, brilliant and vicious strategy. Make Romney defend, so he can’t go on offense and attack the real Obama scandal.
This is classic Axelrod. Obama has won multiple elections in his career by slandering his opponents and leaking sealed court documents. Not only do these insinuations and leaks ruin the credibility and reputation of Obama’s opponents, they keep them on the defensive and off Obama’s trail of sealed documents. And Obama spends millions to armies of lawyers to keep them sealed.

By attacking Romney’s tax records, Obama’s team of Chicago hit men creates a problem that doesn’t exist. And they even have the U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in their pocket… leading the charge… thereby assuring that the media will cover it and put Romney on the Defensive. The U.S. Senate Majority Leader joins a scheme to defame a squeaky clean opponent with the record of a choir boy. Romney is the guy you want to marry your daughter. Religious. Brilliant. Family man. Never cheated in his life. Harvard Law and Harvard Business. Donates millions to charity. So you get Harry Reid to make up stories out of thin air to frame an innocent man… and you get the biased liberal media to go along with the execution of an innocent man. But the reason for this baseless attack is what is so interesting… such brilliant but disgusting cynical strategy it could only come from Chicago… the point of this deception and distraction is to make Romney defend, so he can’t go on the offensive… to dirty his perfect reputation up… and to give the media something to talk about… something other than the real scandal they should be investigating.

But I have the answer for Romney. A challenge that shuts up Obama forever.

It’s time to call Obama’s bluff. Romney should call a press conference and issue a challenge in front of the Nation. He should agree to release more of his tax returns, only if Obama unseals his college records. Simple and straight-forward. Mitt should ask “What could possibly be so embarrassing in your college records from 30 years ago, that you are afraid to let America’s voters see it? If it’s THAT bad, maybe it’s something the voters ought to see.” Suddenly the tables are turned. Now Obama is on the defensive.
My bet is that Obama will never unseal his records, never… EVER. Because they contain information that could destroy his political career. Once this challenge is made public, my prediction is you’ll never hear about Mitt’s tax returns ever again. End of story.

But why are the college records, of a 51-year-old President of the United States, so important to keep secret? I think I know the answer.
If anyone should have questions about Obama’s record at Columbia University, it’s me. We both graduated (according to Obama) Columbia University, Class of ’83. We were both (according to Obama) Pre-Law and Political Science majors. And I thought I knew most everyone at Columbia. I certainly thought I’d heard of all of my fellow Political Science majors. But not Obama… or as he was known then, Barry Soetoro. Can you imagine…the President of the United States had a different name 30 years ago. How bizarre is that? You think you know him? You don’t even know his name.
But here’s where the mystery gets really strange. I knew everyone in the political science department. But I never met Obama in my life. Never saw him in my life. Never even heard of him in my entire four years at Columbia. And none of the classmates that I knew at Columbia has ever met him, saw him or heard of him either.

But don’t take my word for it. The Wall Street Journal reported in 2008 that Fox News randomly called 400 of our Columbia classmates and never found one who had ever met Obama.

Now all of this mystery could be easily and instantly dismissed if Obama released his Columbia transcripts to the media. But even after serving as President for 3 1/2 years he refuses to unseal his college records. Shouldn’t the media be as relentless in pursuit of Obama’s records as Romney’s? Shouldn’t they be digging for Obama’s dirt with the same boundless enthusiasm as Mitt’s? Doesn’t something smell rotten here?
So let’s down and dirty to figure out the scandal. The first question I’d ask is, if you had great grades, why would you seal your records? So let’s assume Obama got poor grades. Why not release the records? He’s President of the free world, for gosh sakes. He’s commander-in-chief of the U.S. military. Who’d care about some poor grades from three decades ago, right? So then what’s the problem? Doesn’t that make the media suspicious? Something doesn’t add up.

Secondly, all of Obama’s old classmates and buddies at Occidental say he was a poor student there…spending lots of time smoking pot and attending radical meetings. His grades were awful they say. Again, we can’t prove it because Obama’s records are sealed. So if he had poor grades at Occidental, how did he get admitted to an Ivy League university in the first place? Do you know how hard it is to transfer into an Ivy League university – it’s almost impossible. And if his grades at Columbia were awful, how’d he ever get into Harvard Law School? So again those grades must have been great, right? So why spend millions to keep them sealed?

Third, how did a poor kid pay for all these fancy schools? If he had student loans or scholarships, don’t American students need good grades to maintain student loans?

I can only think of one answer that explains all of these mysteries…

So here’s my gut. I believe Obama got a leg up by being admitted to both Occidental and Columbia as a foreign exchange student. He was raised as a young boy in Indonesia. That’s a fact. His mother made him an Indonesian citizen. But… did his mother ever bother to change him back to a U.S. citizen? I’m betting not. He was abandoned by his mother and sent back to Hawaii to live with his grandparents. No one was paying much attention to young Obama, so his citizenship was never changed back. But suddenly as he nears college-age and starts thinking of how to get into college with lousy grades and no money… Obama learns that foreign students have a much easier path being admitted to U.S. universities. And even more amazingly, they get loads of aid and scholarships to attend college for free – something unavailable to U.S. citizens. It’s a completely different path – a path so easy that even a kid with no father… no mother to be found… no money… and lousy grades can get admitted to the best colleges… as a poor foreigner with an exotic background.
So a plan is hatched. Obama uses his Indonesian passport and citizenship to get into college. Suddenly even Ivy League Columbia University is a possibility for a foreign student from Indonesia. And it’s all paid for by the taxpayers.

That would explain how a poor student who rarely attended class and got mediocre grades, and with no money, was able to get accepted and pay for Occidental, Columbia and Harvard Law. The door magically opened for a foreign student. Every college needs one or two bright exotic foreigners to create “diversity.”

Now the sad reality is there is some U.S. student — a Valedictorian of his or her school — who never got to go to Columbia or Harvard Law because Obama fraudulently took their place.

That would also explain the great mystery of how in the summer of 1981 Barry Soetoro was able to travel to Pakistan when no U.S. citizen was allowed to travel there. An American couldn’t make that trip…but no problem if you’re an Indonesian citizen using an Indonesian passport?

Of course, here’s the wrinkle…a foreign student isn’t qualified to serve as President of the United States. So that secret had to be sealed and covered up for the rest of all time. In 2007 everything happened so fast no one could even ask questions…ask Hillary! She never imagined Obama could beat her and never did any serious digging. Next thing you know, Obama is President. But with a massive secret threatening his legacy every second of every day. That explains why a sitting President of the United States would spend millions of dollars in legal fees to keep his past sealed.

If you could unseal Obama’s Columbia University records I believe you’d find that:
  • He rarely ever attended class.
  • His grades were not those typical of what we understand it takes to get into Harvard Law School.
  • He attended Columbia as a foreign exchange student.
  • He never paid for either undergraduate college or Harvard Law School because of foreign aid and scholarships given to a poor foreigner like this kid Barry Soetoro from Indonesia.
Lastly, why do his classmates at Columbia not remember Obama? Was he a ghost? Did he never show up at class? My educated guess is that he was too busy smoking pot, attending Marxist meetings, and plotting the destruction of the U.S. economy and the overthrow of capitalism. Don’t laugh. It’s working.
If you think I’m “fishing,” then prove me wrong. Open up your records Mr. President. What are you afraid of? Cat got your tongue? If all we’ll find is a few C’s and D’s… then show us the records. If it’s OK for U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to go on a fishing expedition about Romney’s taxes (even though he knows absolutely nothing about them), then I think I can do the same thing. But as Obama’s Columbia Class of ’83 classmate, at least I have more standing to make educated guesses.

It’s time for Mitt to go on the attack and call Obama’s bluff. Oh and one more thing, Mitt. Tell Harry Reid you’ll release all of your tax returns when Harry Reid releases all of his. Inquiring minds want to know how Harry Reid entered the U.S. Senate with no assets and became one of the wealthiest United States Senators, now worth millions, and living at the Washington, D.C. Ritz Carlton? I’m not saying he did anything wrong, but just like Mitt’s tax returns… shouldn’t Harry have to prove he did nothing wrong? We all want to see Senator Reid’s tax returns to solve the second biggest mystery in Washington DC… behind only Obama’s scandal at Columbia.

I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. See you next week, same time, same place. God Bless America."

In the off chance that I get a comment: please keep them civil. Trolls will be deleted not opposing views.

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