Friday, June 29, 2012

Love of Country

Excerpt from a ChrisStewart Book entitled Clear as the Moon: "The president we elected. he was good and smooth and said all the right things. but he didn't love his country, at least not like you and I do. not like our Father's. Not like our Grandfathers.He saw our country as not that much different from all the others, not much better, in some ways maybe worse. He saw our sins and determined they precluded us from any further greatness. it wasn't that he had an evil heart, he just couldn't see, or didn't choose to see the good that was our country." End quote. I want my president to love our country. I want him to reverence her knowing that she is not perfect, but she is great And that she can be perfected through hard work, perseverance, the pursuit of happiness and a desire to be led by the hand of God. just like our founding fathers believed. Thank you to my one follower who encouraged me to remember why I started this blog. I love my country and I know that good days are ahead of us. We must be involved. We must make our voices count.

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